May 3, 2008

Welcome to the Windy City

Apparently size does matter. That's what I learned from my new roommate Josh Mangelson as we made the approximately 20 hour drive from Utah to Chicago (or Chi-town as you might like to refer to it). I was complaining about the seats in my '92 Corolla that started to make my lower back ache not long after we passed through Rock Springs, but Josh informed me that it couldn't be worse than being 6' 5" and sitting in a car for more than an hour. I'll confess, he had a point. I tried to stop complaining after that (or at least not as loud). Yes, Josh is 6' 5" and his feet do hang off the edge of his bed I've noticed. Yet another reason I don't complain about my height.
Well all the traveling was tedious, and it felt so good to actually arrive in Chicago. I wouldn't recommend traveling through 7 states over a couple of days without stopping to smell the roses, it's rather tiresome. Anyway, we hopped out of our cars at our apartment in Chicago only to find that our keys had somehow been lock in our apartment. The door was supposed to be left open for us but I guess someone had been sent to make a copy of one of the keys, and tested it on our door leaving it locked afterward. What luck! But at least I wasn't sitting in my car still. Now Josh and I were trying to break into our locked apartment so we would have a place to sleep for the night. Ironic, huh? Two guys in Chicago doing security sales trying to break into an apartment through the windows and sliding glass door. Our attempts at forced entry, however, produced no significant results and I was beginning to regret my decision to wear shorts and no jacket. In the end I ended up sleeping on the couch in another apartment until the next morning when someone could come unlock our apartment. No big deal. Experiences to make the journey more interesting, right?
By the way, Chi-town has been windy... in case you were wondering.

1 comment:

Bobby said...

Gandy man. I'm happy that you made it safely and didn't freeze to death. Did I ever tell you about the time I got locked out of my apartment at the Colony (pre-mission) and went to go sleep at Betos?

P.S. My trainee is doing security sales in Chicago. His name is Jordan Binning. If you see him at church tell him hello for me.