May 2, 2008

Bryce goes to Hawaii

The past two weeks I have been packing, unpacking, packing again, unpacking... only to pack and unpack again and again. After finals finished in Provo I had to quickly move out of my apartment and head home because we had a family vacation planned to Hawaii.
Hawaii was amazing and there are so many things I’d like to say about it. Like the snorkeling, digging holes on the beach, close encounters with sea turtles, attempts at surfing, big waves, the vistas, etc. Instead of elaborating, which I regrettably don’t have the time for, I’ll just post a picture:One day that we were there we went to the house of Ron Artis. His home was... the resurrection city of surfboards. Surfers with broken boards would give their boards to him and he would cut and paint them, and turn those battered boards into art that now decorates his yard and home. While visiting his home we listened to a concert performed by his family. Their music talent was quite remarkable and from what I understand you can look them up on youtube. They dedicate all their music and art to God, and are well aware that family really does come first. And if Scotty B needs any advice about having twelve kids he should just talk to Ron Artis, because yep, count ‘um, he has twelve kids.
Vacations don’t last forever. It’s too bad, but I did have to leave tropical paradise and come home, only to leave again the next day. This time I would be traveling to Chicago to work for the rest of the summer.

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