May 6, 2008

Tacos or Pizza? That was the Question.

Last Saturday I had a singular dining experience at a pizzeria named Bacci's. I was out knocking doors when the rain started pouring. After getting completely drenched I decided maybe it would be a good time to go get lunch, and hopefully the rain would stop in the meantime. So Jason, Josh and I went driving through Aurora looking for some Mexican food, but parking was scarce so we settled for a little pizzeria that looked tempting. Bacci's Pizzeria was completely vacant when we walked in and the one employee in the joint was sitting watching TV. He didn't seem in any hurry to serve us, in fact I wasn't even sure that he was really working there. After looking at the menu Jason and Josh ordered a jumbo slice and a soda. I opted out and got two hot dogs with fries and a soda. Hot dogs aren't always the best option especially if you're at a place for the first time, but I must have a fair amount of luck because the quality of the hot dogs far exceeded the pizza on this particular occasion. Jason got the worst of it. His pizza was burnt on the bottom and looked like it had been sitting out for a couple of days and then reheated in the microwave. Josh's slice (in the picture above) at least looked like it had been cooked that same day. Just when we thought it couldn't get any worse we tried the soda machine. It must have been broken because it came out with all of the ingredients except the carbonation. Root beer syrup is all I got in my little styrofoam cup. And it came to pass that it was exceedingly sweet unto the taste. Yea verily the flavor packed a powerful punch. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw the expression on Jason's face as he ate his Jumbo slice of pizza, or perhaps it could be better described as a giant saltine cracker with cheese. It really was a comical experience and we all laughed about it (Jason didn't laugh as much, but he did laugh). Moral of the story: if you ever find yourself in Aurora Illinois near Bacci's Pizzeria, walk a little farther down the road and get some Mexican food.

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