May 22, 2008

Toll Roads

Toll roads. Whose idea was it to make toll roads? Maybe I'll look it up (which means I most likely won't). They aren't maintained any better than the other interstates so why do I have to pay to use it? I'm sure there's a good reason behind it that I don't understand, but for now the tolls are something that I'm going to choose to not like. (Although, I will confess that I like slam dunking the coins into the little baskets at the unattended toll stations.)
Today while I was knocking doors I wrote this short poem about toll booths (based on true events that occurred this morning).

Toll booth, next right.
The quarters in my hand,
The basket in sight.
The left hand toss,
The coins take flight.
One misses the mark,
!?:P - oh well,
I'll pay online tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I dig your poem, well written :)
And I have to say, I’m not a big fan of tollbooths either, there seems to be even more of them scattered through out the east coast.