January 3, 2009

Over Too Soon

In a couple of days I'll be back in class with a busy schedule to manage.  I don't know how I'll do it. Honestly, I don't know how I'll do it; sleeping in has been so nice.  At least while the holidays were here I made some nice memories with family and friends.  I'd like to share one that I have photographic evidence of:
My brothers and I took advantage of the snowstorms and the necessity of shoveling to build a mountain in the backyard.  It wasn't the first time we'd made the attempt to build a mountain, so we tried a new system based on past experience to more efficiently build this mountain.  The task required a couple of shovels, a wheelbarrow, and hours of physical labor but in the end we had a mountain bigger than any mountain from previous years.  Our new stacking and packing techniques worked pretty well it appears.
If it keeps snowing and my brothers keep at it by Febuary the mountain could be as tall as the house.  I don't know why stacking snow can be such a satisfying activity, but one thing I do know is that it makes shoveling less of a chore.

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