June 22, 2008

Two Days of Diving

So with this sales job they are always doing incentives to motivate us to sell more. Generally the incentives don't motivate me that much but this past week I cashed in (literally) on two of them. On Wednesday morning we went diving for dollars in the pool at the apartment complex. There was $1,000 in quarters and gold dollars on the bottom of the pool. Each of us had 30 seconds to grab as much money as we could. I walked away from the pool with a grand total of $33.50 which wasn't bad. One of the guys got something like $90, lucky, I know.
Then on Thursday morning we went skydiving. Personally I wanted to go golfing for an incentive but the majority voted for skydiving. It was definitely cool and, yes, I would do it again (if I didn't have to pay for it). Well they talked me into buying the video so I'll share that with you all. I'd have to agree with Kiffer though, it's not nearly as exciting as they talk it up to be. Click below and enjoy my freefall from 14,000 ft.

1 comment:

Bobby said...

Bryce, this looks so cool! I'm jealous. I want to go.