July 28, 2008

Fortune Cookie

Happy Peruvian Independence Day everyone!
This last weekend good old Bob LeBaron was in Chicago, and I got to hang out a little with the pun master himself. It was nice to see a familiar face and it made me realize how anxious I really am for fall semester to start. Quick story...
So Bob calls me up to get the address and directions to my apartment on Friday morning. I get off the phone with him and walk into Panda Express with my roommate Chris. I ordered Beijing Beef and Mandarin Chicken but that's besides the point. Of course the first thing I do is eat the fortune cookie and cross my fingers hoping I'll get a good fortune. Little did I know how true my fortune would be. This is what it said:I was hoping for a more attractive visitor than Bob, but he did bring joy to my humble abode so I won't complain.

1 comment:

Bobby said...

Hahaha, Bryce! How did I miss this? Of course I'm an attractive visit. I have a feeling that I will visit your home tomorrow, too!