April 16, 2008

Dream Blog

Maybe the delirium of my sickness last night caused me to have a very strange dream. I dreamed all night about blogging, and the different blogs I would post. In fact, I woke up at 3am and was half tempted to start blogging (I didn't, I'm not that irrational yet, I went back to bed). Anyway I thought I'd post one of the blogs I dreamed about.

I've always liked photography. If I had a better digital camera I'd probably take more pictures, but as it is my wallet prevents me from developing as much film as I'd like. (I have an old Pentax camera that I just love, but film's not cheap for a college student.) Recently I was going through some of my photos and I started dedicating my "art" to different people. It was fun. Well, I dreamed that I had posted some of my pictures so that's what I'll do. Enjoy.

April 15, 2008

The Beginning

Today I created this blog as a result of spending too much time in my room being sick. I got bored enough that I thought well I might as well start a blog. Hey, and well I'm at it why don't I join Facebook... I'm not sure how I feel about that. I hope this blog ends up being worthwhile. If none of my posts are worth your time I hope they at least end up being worth my time. Also, I'd just like to say that Scotty B and Bob LeBaron are my inspiration for making this move. Check out their blogs if you haven't already. http://scottbartholomew.blogspot.com and http://bloglebaron.blogspot.com